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Call me tomorrow

27 March 2021 – 30 April 2021
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia

The exposition of the project ”Call me tomorrow” was constructed by the principle of a “montage room”, where a 2021 series of graphic pieces by Akhmat was presented. Art historian Boris Klushnikov points out, that, in his pieces, Akhmat Bikanov creates a sense of intimacy, but at the same time- an initiation (in contrary to pop-art techniques of “alienation of the viewer”) in which the viewer can become part of the conversation. He creates this effect with the montage of microexpressions and gestures.

For our gallery, priority lies not only in working with the main artists that we represent, but also in the search of a new means of expression, a new language. Akhmat’s work poses a stark contrast to the general artistic background. It is as if he is outside of conventional trends, yet stylistically and coloristic, his storytelling synchronizes with our time. The characters frozen in certain gestures, as if this promised “tomorrow” may never come. All is happening in the present, flowers in vases and ornaments on the clothing of his “heroes” are equally important for the moment of now.”

Anastasia Shavlokhova

Добросердечные земляничные ухмылки
24 May 2024 – 19 August 2024
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia
This has not happened yet, but here it is again
2 April 2024 – 17 May 2024
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia