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Dreams about the celestial lights on the dark Earth

5 October 2020 – 18 October 2020
Gostiny Dvor, Moscow, Russia

In the framework of the project the new series of drawings and sketches that was created by the artists during last months was introduced. Garshin spent the lockdown period in his native Voronezh. “Every day you walk by the same route : across the same yard, past the same tree, in your flat and in the studio you are surrounded by the same things every day – all this enhances the feeling of timelessness, meanwhile new optics and new dimension of familiar landscapes appear” ,- says the artist. As a medium, he decided to use oil painting, watercolor and enamel. Deliberately combining on the same canvas light and airy watercolor with oils and enamel , the artist indicates the potential of comprehension of supreme reality, which was laid by the daily life : “Inhabitants of the Dark Earth see the same stars as the people from the rest of the planet, and they dream about the same unreachable space heights”. 

“Kirill Garshin is one of the best russian painters: in terms of color palette, in terms of integrity of his peace-building, which he reveals from exhibition to exhibition, creating every new project as a sequel. It is interesting thatin his works a special role is played by a specific place , which in this case is the dark Earth. Kirill uses the principle of overlaying ,some shift of reality, which he points out at through different mediums, is always present in his works.”

Anastasiya Shavlokhova , the founder of сцена/szena gallery. 

Добросердечные земляничные ухмылки
24 May 2024 – 19 August 2024
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia
This has not happened yet, but here it is again
2 April 2024 – 17 May 2024
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia