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Anastasia Rybakova

р. 1998

She was born in 1998, lives and works in Krasnoyarsk. In 2022, she graduated from the Siberian Federal University with a degree in architecture. In her projects, she studies the possibilities of human imagination and empathy. Works with themes of new sincerity, children’s perception of the world, feelings of flowers, insects, vegetables and snowflakes.
The main working technique is pictorial graphics. Favorite materials are colored pencils, watercolors, ink and markers. She also paints in oil, builds installations, She puts on performances, shoots videos, records sounds, makes textile sculptures. The artist’s works are in private collections and in the collection of the Museum Center “Peace Square”.

Selected solo exhibitions
2024 “Kind-hearted strawberry grins”, Szena Gallery, Moscow, curated by Anastasia Mityushina
2023 “TVAR'”, Daipyat gallery, Voronezh, curators Jan Posadsky and Misha Goodwin
2023 “Harvest”, Museum Center “Peace Square”, Krasnoyarsk, curator Oksana Budulak
2022 “It is established that they have self-awareness”, Industria Gallery, Krasnoyarsk, curator Elina Gusarova
2021 “The Nature of Love”, Kartonka gallery, Krasnoyarsk, curated by Daria Bralkova
Selected group projects
2024 “The heart is not a stone”, Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg, curator Oksana Budulak
2024 “5×5”,Daipyat gallery, Voronezh, curators Jan Posadsky and Misha Goodwin
2024 “Plans for 2024”, Marina Gallery, St. Petersburg, curator Sergey Karev
2024 “The sweet escape”, set projects, Moscow, Curated by Daria Kuznetsova
2023 “Vegetables”, par nik gallery, Arkhangelsk
2022 “SUPERNATURAL”, Shipping Company Office, Tyumen, curator Oksana Budulak
2021 “Siberia 11”, Museum Center “Peace Square”, Krasnoyarsk, curator Ilya Shokhin
2021 “Open mushroom exhibition”, invalid house, St. Petersburg
2021 “You have (not) been here”, Museum Center “Peace Square”, Krasnoyarsk, curator Oksana Budulak
2021 “Everyhing or everything”, Krasnoyarsk-Divnogorsk-Yeniseisk, curator Oksana Budulak
2020 “vulva vulgaris”, Krasnoyarsk, curated by Valeria Tynyanaya
2018 “Flag in hand: Poetry of a working frenzy”, Krasnoyarsk, curators Oksana Budulak, Ivan Sannikov
Selected curatorial projects
2020 “On scotch”, CSI “Core”, Krasnoyarsk
2018-2019 “Youth Architectural Festival”, Krasnoyarsk Residences and Laboratories
2024 “Breeze”, Tyumen
2023-2024 Workshops of the Garage Museum, Moscow
2021 PubLab1. “Archeology without a shovel”, Krasnoyarsk

Other works
Anastasia Rybakova
Возлежание с продолговатыми овощами, 2023
Графика, 120х100 см
Фанера, цветные карандаши, лак
Anastasia Rybakova
Подземная прогулка корнеплодов, 2023
Графика, 30х30 см
Фанера, цветные карандаши, лак
Anastasia Rybakova
Морковное рукопожатие, 2023
Графика, 30х30 см
Фанера, цветные карандаши, лак
Anastasia Rybakova
Сиамские проростки 1, 2023
Графика, 30х30 см
Фанера, цветные карандаши, лак
Добросердечные земляничные ухмылки
24 May 2024 – 19 August 2024
сцена/szena gallery, Moscow, Russia