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The 1703 St. Petersburg Art Fair 2024

5 June 2024 – 9 June 2024
Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia

The сцена/szena project, established by Anastasia Shavlokhova in 2018 in Moscow, is located in the Richter mansion on Pyatnitskaya Street. The project focuses on supporting artists working with the subject of art as a personal message. The project contributes to the formation of a new artistic language of our times. The gallery’s booth at the “1703” fair features artists working with narrative through dialogue with the medium.

Dmitry Zhukov (*1972) studies the proportions of the human body and applies it to abstract sculpture using traditional blacksmith welding. Kirill Garshin (*1990), meticulously devoted to painting, reflects on the crisis of this classic medium and explores the possibilities of working with organic materials. Andrey Golder (*1979) works in oil painting, focusing on the aestheticization of imperfection and the strategy of personal mythology in figurative painting.

Vera Trachtenberg

The 1703 St. Petersburg Art Fair 2024
5 June 2024 – 9 June 2024
Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia
The 1st Kontur Graphics Art Fair
25 May 2023 – 28 May 2023
The parking lot of the Sheraton Kremlin Hotel, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia